Our News and Activities

تم عقد اجتماع الهيئة العامة من قبل مركز الارشاد والتدريب للطفل والاسرة بتاريخ 22 يوليو 2024 في تمام الساعة السادسة مساءا في فندق بيت لحم…
Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2024 11:32
Bethlehem - A delegation from the Board of Directors of the Guidance & Training Center for the Child and Family Charity visited Mr. Anton Salman,…
تحت عنوان "توجهات بحثية جديدة في علم النفس لدراسة السياق الفلسطيني" مركز الارشاد والتدريب للطفل والأسرة يحتفل بمرور 25 عاماً على تأسيسه بيت لحم – تحت…
Last modified on Wednesday, 18 December 2019 17:42
Last modified on Wednesday, 04 December 2019 13:25
  Launch of the First Training Program for Psychologists in Applied Child Psychology in Palestine Bethlehem, 24th June 2018: In a ceremony held today in…
Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 21:41
Last modified on Saturday, 29 July 2017 15:54
This communication Awareness Training was held on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of October 2015. By Dr. John Byfield, Speech and Language therapist from the…
Last modified on Friday, 30 October 2015 12:09
The Guidance and Training Center for the Child and Family was awarded the “Hans-Jürgen-Wischnewski-Award” by The association of the partnership between Cologne and Bethlehem. Mr.…
Last modified on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 06:41
Abstract ndividuals living in Palestine face obstacles in daily living and in the access of mental health services that are unique to the Palestinian context.…
Last modified on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 06:41
Last modified on Friday, 30 October 2015 12:26